Access the largest community of insurance professionals and Applied users who make and influence purchasing decisions every day.
As an Applied Client Network sponsor, your company will have access to a community of active insurance professionals and dedicated channels to help meet your goals and take your company to the next level of success. Partnering with Applied Client Network means access to the largest community of individuals who use, buy and influence Applied products and solutions.
Because of Applied Client Network’s unique relationship with Applied, no other independent user group gives you the personal access you need to build brand awareness and demonstrate your capabilities to America’s leading insurance automation and data exchange software provider.
Let us work together to invest in your company's success. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your resources and solutions with these dedicated insurance professionals. Interested in sponsorship opportunities for Applied Client Network? Contact Emily Marxer or Lindsay Krehbiel today.
For more information on Applied Client Network sponsorship opportunities:
Emily Marxer, Strategic Alliance and Sponsorship Director
Phone: 312.673.5502
Lindsay Krehbiel, Strategic Alliance and Sponsorship Manager
Phone: 312.673.4931