Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 11:00 PM to 2:30 PM (CST)
Let's Catch Up: Applied Net Recap and the (Much-Needed) Inbox Detox
After a full week at Applied Net 2024, the Operations, Managerial & Finance Alliance invites you to join them to decompress, process, and re-organize. We all know that coming back from conference with a notebook full of notes and an inbox full with emails takes more energy to sort through than we have left after such an exciting and activity filled week away. Or maybe you weren't able to make it, and need to catch up on all of the updates and learnings from Nashville. Don't limit your catch-up to your colleagues -- your fellow Alliance members have you covered!
To kick things off, Casheika Moses, Senior Director of Client Experience at The Baldwin Group, will be sharing pro tips for cleaning up your inbox, a lesson we can all benefit from after a week away from the desk. After we refresh and reorganize our inboxes, we'll dive right into the best of Nashville.
We'll gather during this session to talk all things Applied Net 2024. What was your top take away of the week? Did you miss a session and need the 411? Your Alliance Leaders will share their favorite highlights and encourage you all to do the same.
This session will include break-out room discussions, hosted by Alliance Leaders.
Be on the look-out for a survey the week after conference in preparation for the meeting. We want to hear from you on what you are most interested in recapping!
FREE for ALL ACN Members!
The dial-in number and link will be included in the registration confirmation email.
Meeting Contact
Jenna Silva